Rental Options

We have 14 raised beds that measure 12’x4′ and 3 beds half the size at 6’x4’. They are constructed of untreated cedar and filled with a blend of screened topsoil and plant-based compost.  There are several renting options:

Full Bed Option (12’x4’)

You can rent a full 12′ x 4′ raised bed and garden to your heart’s content.  You can plant flowers, veggies, etc.  It’s your responsibility to maintain the bed over the course of the season. The cost for a full bed is $100, $25 of which goes to Denver Urban Garden who provides our liability insurance and non-profit status.

Half Bed Option (6’x4’)

You can rent one of our 3 smaller half-beds on the southern side of the garden or you can share a full bed with someone (Find a friend or we can match you with another half-bed renter). Half beds cost $50.00 with $12.50 going to Denver Urban Gardens.

Donation Option (12’x4’)

Eager to support the garden, but not sure about your schedule or green thumb? Donation beds are available on a case-by-case basis depending on volunteer availability. With a donation bed, you pay the full bed fees outlined above, but FCG volunteers maintain the bed. Any produce grown in these beds will be offered given to area food banks. 

Frequently Asked Questions
  • I have a small group that would like to share a bed. Is that ok?
    • Yes! The rental fees will remain the same regardless of the number of gardeners. One person can pay the fees or they can be split however the group decides. Each gardener must complete an application and waiver, even if they are not directly paying the rental fees. Our Garden Coordinator can help your group with this.
  • Do I have to be a member of the Swim Club?
    • Nope!
  • Do gardeners need to live in Foxridge?
    • Nope!
  • Where do my plot fees go?
    • After the DUG portion is paid, the remaining fees go right back into the garden. Fees will cover water, maintenance needs, and other garden supplies as needed.
I’m ready to rent!
  1. Email us to check plot availability, we are also happy to meet you at the garden for a tour and to select a bed.
  2. Complete the 2024 DUG Application and Waiver (credit card/PayPal/Venmo). If you would like to pay by check, please note this on your application and submit it. After it’s submitted, email us so we can help. All gardeners working on a bed will need to complete the application and waiver, regardless of payment.
  3. Review and agree to the 2024 FCG Garden Rules and Regulations. These rules are specific to our garden. While many of the rules mirror DUG’s guidance around organic gardening practices (which we also require), these rules discuss parking, bathroom access, maintenance, etc. You will need to sign this document stating you have read and agree to the rules and have been provided a copy. If you would like a paper copy, email us!
  4. All gardeners are required to volunteer 10 hours of their time over the season helping with routine garden maintenance like weeding, pruning, etc. If outdoor labor isn’t your thing, email us and we can find something else – we are always in need of help behind the scenes. Always.

Once fees have been paid, all gardeners will receive a handout with common gardening information. FCG Steering Committee members will provide gardener support throughout the season. We’re happy to help!

Thank you for all your support along the way and we hope to see you at the garden,

FCG Steering Committee